On St. Croix, the Virgin Island Police Department’s Traffic Investigation Bureau is investigating hit and run collision involving one of their own.
It happened Saturday night, July 29th, around 11:20 p.m.
A police officer responded to a two-vehicle collision on Queen Mary Highway near the St. Croix Educational Complex.
Investigators say the officer had his marked police cruiser at a stop on the road with its blue lights flashing in order to slow down traffic at the crash site.
While the officer was in the road directing drivers to slow down as they approached the crash area, he saw a red pick-up truck speeding towards him.
Police say the officer waived for the driver to slow down, but when he realized the driver wasn’t, he moved out of the roadway to the shoulder to avoid being hit.
Unfortunately though, the driver hit the officer who was thrown into the air by the impact and landed about 85 feet away.The officer was rushed to the hospital for treatment of a broken leg.
Police are still working to track down the vehicle and the person who was behind the wheel.
The Traffic Investigation Bureau, is asking anyone with information for this hit and run incident to call the TIB Detectives at (340) 778 2211, (340)227 0184, Crime Stoppers 1(800) 222 Tips or 911.