ST. THOMAS, USVI – Senator Carla Joseph is pleased to announce the successful passage of her
amendment to Bill 34-0335 to appropriate $1 Million from the Community Trust Fund of the Virgin
Islands Historical Commemorative fund to erect historical monuments and to fund preparations for the
175th-anniversary celebration of the emancipation of the Virgin Islands.
“The emancipation of the enslaved people living in the Virgin Islands in 1848 is a monumental triumph
of our ancestors, who liberated themselves to give us the opportunities and freedoms, we enjoy today.
The production and placements of monuments in our towns across the Territory and the upcoming
celebrations will be a lesson in history for our young people to identify and embrace the story of our
journey to liberation,” Joseph said.
“History is something we should never take for granted as we stand today on the shoulders of those
who came before us. The upcoming celebrations provide the opportunity to honor our past and unity as
we progress forward,” she said.
Sen. Joseph, appointed by Governor Albert Bryan to the 175th Anniversary Celebrations of
Emancipation Proclamation Planning Committee, said she looks forward to working with the
Anniversary Committee members to engage the entire community.
Joseph concluded her remarks by expressing thanks to her legislative colleagues for supporting the
appropriation amendment as well as Governor Albert Bryan, Jr. for approving the transfer of funding
from the Community Trust Fund to support this worthy commemorative event.