Locals Share Tips, Tricks to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

SAN JUAN, P.R.- If you’ve stepped foot outside recently you are probably aware of hot how it’s been. The National Weather Service (NWS) recently issued a heat advisory for the Island and the U.S. Virgin Islands as temps continue to stay high. The NWS expects dangerously hot and humid conditions for the region. This level of heat affects anyone without effective cooling and/or adequate hydration.  

“It’s hard,” said San Juan students Paulette Flores, Lorena Rivera and Isabella Cortes.  

While many are trying to get through the summer season, these three are seasoned pros at staying cool in the summer.  

“If you’re home a lot of fans, A/C if possible,” said the students. “Not wearing long sleeved clothing which is very ironic right now because we are doing the opposite right now. Just wear some shorts, drink lots of water. Normally we just spend time at the beach, the pool, go buy ice creams.”  

Locals we spoke with worry about the tourists visiting the island. Many visitors want to soak up the sun and relax by the beach but locals worry vacationers might not be as adjusted with the heat and humidity like they are. While there are some vendors that peddle ice creams and other much-needed refreshments along the beach and other places, locals urge people to take it easy outside.  

“In these recent years our weather, especially the heat, has been super high,” said the students. “A couple of weeks ago it reached 108 degrees Fahrenheit and it was hot outside so those days don’t go to the beach, stay at your house. Some people will go tanning but you have to always remember to stay hydrated and do different activities that don’t tire you out so much.” 

The NWS encourages people to stay in an air conditioned room, stay out of the sun and check in on relatives and neighbors.  

“Many people just go to malls and shopping stores and just hangout there where there’s normally air conditioning there,” said the students.  

But if you do step outside, there’s one thing they say to not forget: 

“Sunscreen,” exclaimed the students. “Sunscreen is very important the UV index is almost always like eight or nine so its really high and sometimes it gets to eleven.” 

And a final tip from these locals: 

“Stay safe, stay hydrated,” said the students.