The Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA) is notifying the public of its latest territory wide gas price survey findings. Gas surveys were conducted September 26, 27 and 28, 2019 on St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John. Gas surveys are included for comparative viewing and transparency.
On St. Croix, gas prices have remain the same. The lowest price found on self-service regular was Five Corners Service Station at $2.919 and Karim Service Station has the lowest premium gasoline at $3.099. The lowest price for diesel fuel was Super Tank Service Station, Karim Service Station and G Max Service station at $2.999 per gallon.
On St. Thomas, the lowest prices found on full-service gasoline was Petrus Polyberg at $3.859 premium and $3.499 regular. The lowest prices for self-service fuel were One Stop Jarrah’s and Rack Track located at Sugar Estate for $3.689 premium and $3.459 regular. The lowest price for diesel fuel were 1st Stop Frydenhoj, 1st Stop Long Bay and Petrus Polyberg at $3.599 per gallon.
Race Track on St. John had the lowest self-service prices at $4.06 premium, $3.89 regular and $4.24 for diesel.