St. Thomas, USVI – On Thursday, April 13, 2023, the Uber Soca Cruise Jouver’t will be taking place on St. Thomas at 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from the WICO Dock to the Carnival Village at the Fort Christian Parking Lot.
The roadway beginning at the Mandela Circle to the Lucinda Millin Intersection will be closed to eastbound traffic and Veterans Drive to the Legislature will be closed to all vehicular traffic in both directions.
Traffic traveling westward from Mandela Circle will be able to continue traveling westward and onto De Beltjen Road to continue westward.
All eastbound traffic traveling from downtown will be directed towards the Emancipation Garden and onto Norre Gade to continue traveling eastbound.
Motorists are advised to avoid the route of the Jouver’t by utilizing alternative routes such as Alton Adams Drive and Valdemar Hill Sr. Drive (Skyline) to get to their destination. Also, it is advised to avoid the downtown area during that time if possible.
Large trucks and tractor trailers are advised to cease operations during the time of Jouver’t.
These vehicles, due to their weight and length, will be difficult to maneuver on the alternate
routes and they are restricted from traveling on De Beltjen Road.
Virgin Island Police are asking for the public’s cooperation and compliance during this event.